Mar 28, 2019
This week on BGA, we're closing out our 2019 March Gamer Madness, winnowing it down to the final game in our historical era brackets.
This week’s contest winner is Amy. Congratulations to Amy! And if you want to get in on the Patreon contest fun, check out
To kick things off, we answer our question...
Mar 21, 2019
Week 2 of our March Gamer Madness bracket features 32 games across four regions representing different historical eras. We have Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern, and Late Modern era games duking it out.
This week's contest winner is Evan. Congratulations to Evan! And if you want to get in on the Patreon contest fun,...
Mar 14, 2019
It's that time of year again - BGA is back with our March Gamer Madness bracket. This time around, we're looking at the top board games by historical era, featuring Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern, and Late Modern.
This is the first of three episodes and features us going through all the first round matchups - all 64...
Mar 7, 2019
So many contests!
If you haven't yet, check out the BGA Patreon ( We've unlocked weekly game giveaways that you're automatically entered into as a backer of the show.
We've also launched the annual Board Game Bracket contest, now live on our website (