May 31, 2019
First up, we have the winner of this week’s Patreon contest – Elise will be getting a game of her choice from Game Surplus.
To kick things off this week, we ask the question of the week, looking at listener answers to "What's the worst title for a board game (whether the game is good or bad)?" There are some very...
May 24, 2019
Welcome back to another episode of Board Gamers Anonymous. This week we’re joined by Jason from Every Night is Game Night to look at the best of the best Game of Thrones board games.
First up, we have the winner of this week’s Patreon contest – Brian will be getting a game of his choice from Game Surplus.
To kick...
May 17, 2019
Welcome back to another episode of Board Gamers Anonymous. This week we’re looking at some of Anthony's favorite quick play roll and write games.
First up, we have the winner of this week’s Patreon contest – Rico will be getting a game of his choice from Game Surplus.
To kick things off, we ask our question of the...
May 9, 2019
Welcome back to another episode of Board Gamers Anonymous. This week we're looking at an all-time great game and some other games you might like if you're a fan.
First up, we have the winner of this week's Patreon contest - Kyle will be getting a game of his choice from Game Surplus.
To kick things off this week, we...
May 2, 2019
We're live! Kind of. Anthony is in Staten Island this week, so the guys recorded in person, a rarity, and a good excuse to pull together a special episode.
First thing's first, thank you to our newest Patreon Producer, John S. who joins us this week. Congratulations as well to Jordan for winning our weekly Patreon...