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Board Gamers Anonymous

Feb 24, 2021

This week we’re looking at the BGG Hotness for the end of February 2021. Which 15 games are atop the list as of February 22?

First up, though, is our question of the week: What's a game you regret not going in on when it was widely available (or KS extras)?

On the show this week, we cover:

  • Acquisition Disorders:...

Feb 17, 2021

This week we’re looking at Amazon's list of top selling board games to see what's moving and shaking outside of the hobby space. 

First up, though, is our question of the week: What older euro would most benefit from a big, expansive Kickstarter relaunch?

On the show this week, we cover:

  • Acquisition Disorders: Red...

Feb 10, 2021

This week we’re looking at some of the best games of all time from Uwe Rosenberg and creating our Ultimate Uwe Tier List. 

First up, though, is our question of the week: What's the best game with polyominos?

On the show this week, we cover:

  • Acquisition Disorders: Roote: The Marauder Expansion, Clinic Deluxe: The 2nd...

Feb 3, 2021

This week we're looking at some of the game systems that failed in recent years that we wish had found a way to succeed. 

First up, though, is our question of the week: What's a game or game system that was cut short or canceled by its publisher that you wish would come back?

On the show this week, we...