Dec 22, 2013
It's only a few days until Christmas, so Anthony, Chris, Dan and Kim discuss the games they each want to find under their trees this year. We also review some of the games we played recently, including Cheaty Mages, the Talisman City Expansion, 12 Days, and the Avengers vs. X-men Heroclix starter sets.
01:43 - At the...
Dec 14, 2013
This week Anthony, Chris, Dan, and Kim discuss the newest games to hit their table including Coup, the newest Second Summoners from Summoner Wars, Flashpoint Fire Rescue's most recent kickstarter updates, and Relic Runners, the newest game from Days of Wonder.
02:44 - At the Table: Coup
16:48 - At the Table: Summoner...
Dec 8, 2013
This week Anthony, Chris, Dan, and Kim, along with special guest George, discuss Bootleggers, the long awaited addition to Dan's collection. We also talk about some of our acquisition disorders going into the final two weeks pre-holiday, and a few of the hot iOS apps to hit the App Store or go on sale of late.
00:23 -...
Nov 27, 2013
The Board Gamers Anonymous crew brings you a list of their top gift picks for 2013. With more than 50 games in a range of categories, you'll get tips on top gaming picks for anyone in your life who may be interested in board games, card games, role playing games, and everything in between.
07:22 - Fantasy Games
13:47 -...
Nov 23, 2013
This week Anthony, Chris, Dan, and Kim discuss the reskinned Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan from Mayfair Games, along with Oar Else, Risk Legacy and Forbidden Desert. They also discuss the continued descent into full-blown Heroclix addiction, and some of the other favorites that hit the table like Mascarade and...